
The House on Mango Street - The Family of Little Feet

The chapter I chose to do was "The Family of Little Feet." I chose this passage because it had extremely strong visuals. I loved how they compared all of the feet of the "little foot" family to other objects, such as tamales, pink pearls, salamanders, and white pigeons. The way she describes the lemon shoes that they love so much makes me able to truly visualize them. I decided to take the pictures of each person's feet and compare them next to their visual description. This made for a very interesting type of collage.


The poems that we read were extremely powerful and were the type of literature that make you look around and think. In the poem America, freedom was the main topic. The author spoke of how many say "make America America again," and how this should not be how we think. He shows us that some have never felt as free as we thought they did.

Things To Remember

1. Considering the articles you've read for class today, which documentary mode or modes does the film borrow from? Please explain specific elements from the film to support your observations. I believe that this film borrows from the expository mode. This is because it uses "the voice of god" scripted narration. It also feels very researched and informative. I also feel like it has a sense of poetic mode, based on the rhythm to it. 2. Why do you think the filmmaker chose to automate the voice of the narrator? What does it add or detract from the film? I feel like they wanted the emotion to only come from the visually, rather than the voice. This way, the effect of the visuals is what is taking over the viewer. It also gave it a creepy feel. 3. What were some of the more experimental aspects of the film in terms of image and storytelling? The way that they combined different voices/ changed voices throughout the entire film was very experimental. The images

Illustration is Storytelling

1) Discuss some of the more compelling ways that Asterios Polyp demonstrates storytelling through illustration.  From the very beginning of Asterios Polyp, the reader can see that there are little words compared to most stories. I could right away tell that instead of reading through words, I would be reading through facial expressions and scenery. As Asterios tries to go and find a job, he comes across a job with Stiff that involves fixing cars. Nowhere does it state that Asterios actually knows nothing about cars. Instead, after he gets the job, we watch him say he's going to get something to eat, and instead walks to the library. From this series of illustrations, we easily come to the conclusion that he is desperate for a job - any job. This theme continues throughout the entire novel. From the way Hana looks at Asterios every time she gets hurt, to the way they turn into different shapes and colors when they argue with each other; all of this tells the reader more than any

Woman Waiting to Take a Photograph by David Eggers

  1.     What is the time frame of this vignette? The time frame of this vignette is particularly short, as if no time passes at all. It appears that the author is writing this vignette while time is stopped, and he just briefly wanted to give out these buried feelings he had about this young photographer woman. Perhaps only minutes go by, maybe even just seconds. 2.     What does the text imply about photography and about photographers? This text implies that a photographer is not something that you can just become by capturing a single “thoughtfully timed" picture. Instead, the author appears to believe that photography is something that takes a lot of study and skill, and it is clear to him that many amateurs do not understand this. Many people seem to believe they can just take a picture, make a sketch, and become a famous rich artist. No, he understands that there is much more to being a great artist than this. 3.      What is the writer’s attitude toward the