Things To Remember

1. Considering the articles you've read for class today, which documentary mode or modes does the film borrow from? Please explain specific elements from the film to support your observations.
I believe that this film borrows from the expository mode. This is because it uses "the voice of god" scripted narration. It also feels very researched and informative. I also feel like it has a sense of poetic mode, based on the rhythm to it.

2. Why do you think the filmmaker chose to automate the voice of the narrator? What does it add or detract from the film?
I feel like they wanted the emotion to only come from the visually, rather than the voice. This way, the effect of the visuals is what is taking over the viewer. It also gave it a creepy feel.

3. What were some of the more experimental aspects of the film in terms of image and storytelling?
The way that they combined different voices/ changed voices throughout the entire film was very experimental. The images and style also give it an experimental feel.

4. Does the film come across as a work of fact or fiction? Why?
The film comes across as fact. It gives the viewer a lot of information and doesn't seem to have a reason or motivation to be considered fiction.


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